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21st April 2005 - 10:03pm

Well that was fun.

What was that I hear you cry ??.

"My brief attempt at a job!" I holler back. "What are you on about Monkey boy?" I hear you come back with. Well let me fill you in.

I've been in I.T. for 13 years (you wouldn't think it going by this website...) and for the past 5 years I haven't worked. It's one of the weird convoluted ways that this industry works in that you're only as good or relevant as your last job.

Aaanyway, bring things a little up to date, about 3 weeks ago I got a call from a job agency about a possible vacancy that we'd spoken about a few months beforehand. Interview was set up, I went, was a superstar and was offered the job.

Nice one. Back in I.T. after 5 years and with some good opportunities to retrain as well.

Slight problem though.

Seeing as how i've been out of the game for so long, it's pretty inevitable that most of the places i've worked out will have changed hands or just closed down all together. And this is basically what happened. So over the years my work history has slowly evaporated to a point where it appears as if i've made it all up.

The result? No References.

About 6 months ago, in an effort to make my CV (or resume if you're American ..) seem more up to date and relevant, I told a little white lie. The last I.T. job I had was a short term contract that lasted 1 day. I wrote down that it lasted 6 months.

"Where's the problem?" I hear you cry. Well, the major flaw in my plan was the Human Resources woman at the job I went to this week actually asking the last place I worked to confirm the dates I worked there !!.

Obviously they're not going to lie, so when they confirmed I'd been there for 24 hours and not 4368 hours, there was a bit of a problem.

The result ?

I started the job on Monday the 18th of April and by 5pm on Tuesday the 19th of April I was fired for lying on my C.V. and not being able to provide current references !.

So all in all, it's been a fun week ......

[BACK] [4th April 2005]